Care Services Programs

Donate specifically to one of our care service programs:

The Howard I. Abrams In-Home Care Program

The Howard I. Abrams In-Home Care Grant Program provides grants to assist a person with ALS who is registered with ALS United Mid-Atlantic, resides in the organization's service area, and does not have the financial resources needed to obtain adequate personal care.

Marjorie Shimer Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program

The Marjorie Shimer Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program provides durable medical equipment (DME) at no charge to those who do not have DME coverage through health insurance, have high-out-pocket deductibles, and/or do not otherwise have the means to pay for it themselves. To qualify, a patient must have a diagnosis of ALS and reside within our service area. Some examples of equipment provided are Transport/companion wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, shower chairs, transfer devices such as gait belts and transfer boards, over-the-bed tables, Hoyer lifts and high-back rolling shower chairs. 

The Accessibility Program

The Accessibility Program provides funding for the installation of temporary modular ramps and/or a rental stair glide for people with ALS who are registered with ALS United Mid-Atlantic and who don’t have the insurance or means to pay for these home modifications.

The Scott A. Mackler, MD, PhD, Assistive Technology Program

The Scott A. Mackler, MD, PhD, Assistive Technology Program provides people with ALS access to assistive technology devices and services that are often not covered by insurance policies. Additionally, the Program ensures that assistive technology services are an integral part of ALS clinics and centers certified by ALS United Mid-Atlantic. Some devices include Remote door chimes to call for help, environmental control units that offer hands-free access to televisions, CD players, cable boxes, etc., Rocket E-Books™ - an electronic device that allows you to read novels and published works, scanning telephones to promote independent phone use, dedicated communication devices that convey messages and computers with voice output and the ability to access the Internet.

Mike Kilpatric Transportation Program

ALS United Mid-Atlantic's Mike Kilpatric ALS Transportation Program is available to provide transportation services to people with ALS registered with ALS United Mid-Atlantic.