Donor Advised Funds

If you have established a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) with a charitable custodian, you may designate ALS United Mid-Atlantic to receive grants of any size from your DAF.

Gifts through DAFs help our organization provide critical programs for ALS families, promote awareness, and fund important research initiatives. You may choose to apply your funds to support a specific program, a participant in one of many of our Community Outreach events, in honor or in memory of a loved one, research, or wherever the need is greatest. All contributions make a significant difference and offer help and hope to the ALS community.

ALS United Mid-Atlantic's Federal Tax I.D. Number is 23-2387205. Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Morgan Stanley, and BNY Mellon can easily make a designation through the DAF Direct window at the bottom of this page. For more information, please contact Donna Cleary, Director of Development, or call at 215-664-4133.