Everyday Hero Club
By making an easy and affordable automatic tax-deductible contribution each month, you’ll be helping provide programs and services for ALS families, fund critical ALS research, and promote awareness of the disease.
Steve and Heather Hildebrand and their daughter Elsie
Your donations help families like the Hildebrands every month.
"Our family depends on ALS United Mid-Atlantic for so many of its care programs. Our visits to the Chapter’s Hershey Treatment Center, equipment loan, assistive technology, and more are made possible because of your contributions. And ALS research gives us hope for a better tomorrow. Your monthly donations help EVERY day. Please become a member of the Everyday Hero Club.”
With our deepest appreciation,
Please call Cecilia Loos at 215-987-6988 or email cecilia@alsmidatlantic.org for more information.